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Introducing Sitecore CDP Profile Viewer

We have created a sample Sitecore CDP Profile Viewer to meet the needs of users who want to use the information stored in the CDP in conjunction with other systems. This time, I created it with React, and the code is available in the repository.

Using the React Router

I've recently resumed development with React, only to find that my past knowledge has become outdated over the years. While this might be expected, I'm noting this down for personal reference, specifically regarding React Router.

About Vite

The Sitecore Search Starter Kit's code shows a departure from previous Sitecore samples by using Vite. This tool is a build tool for modern web development, offering fast development and optimized production builds through a modern JavaScript toolchain.


Sitecore Search - Get sitemap.xml

However, some sites may not allow you to view Sitemap.xml without any authorization. In this article, we will check how to work around this problem.

Adding order data to CDP's profile

In a CDP, data linked to profiles can include sessions (web activity and conversions) and order information. Order data, often obtained from different systems, can be added via API. This guide introduces the steps for this process.

Debug mode to check profile data

Not all data is displayed on the CDP's administration screen, but the most frequently used information is displayed. In this article, we will introduce the debug mode, which allows you to refer to the actual data.


Sitecore Search - Use additional attributes

We have already imported the Haramizu.com Meta data and added items that are readily available in the Starter Kit. This time, we will review the crawler settings to make the data look nicer.

Accessing CDP profiles using Postman

We haven't covered CDP + Personalize much on the blog, but we'll start sharing tips regularly. Although an overview of the product would be ideal, we'll begin by sharing tips. First, we'll use Postman to create and update profiles.