CDP profiles are set up with a few standard items, but how can you add more? In this article, we will show you how to expand the items.
Check standard items
First, we would like to review the standard items in the profile. For this, please refer to the following page first, as a list is available on the website.
For example, what is the best way to store furigana or membership numbers that are often used in Japan?
Guest Data Extension
In order to increase the number of items in a profile, it is possible to increase the number of attributes in the form of extensions.
Let's actually run it. First, add extext to the URL for the procedure to update user information. Then, define the following as the Json of the extext (name is a required field)
"key": "default",
"Age": "-19",
"Furigana": "ハラミズ シンイチ"
The results of the actual execution are as follows.
The reference in the administration page is as follows.
Confirmation of updated data
I would like to check the data via API again. When I check the user information, I see that the extext items in the Json data have increased as follows.
If you access a URL that can be retrieved with extext data, you will see one URL in items.
Accessing this URL will allow you to see the data defined in the extext.
Update data
I would like to update the Age field in this extext. Send the following Json data in a Post to the URL displayed at the end above.
"key": "default",
"Age": "50-59",
"Furigana": "ハラミズ シンイチ"
As a result, the Age item is updated. Note that extext cannot be updated for each item, so data that is not changed must be sent with the unchanged data.
Items other than standard items that should be managed as CDP profiles can be managed in the form of extext. You can check whether an item is required for the Web or not.