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XM Cloud

Setting up language fallback on multilingual sites

We have already introduced how to add languages in XM Cloud. The language fallback mechanism is an efficient way to manage the addition of languages to a multilingual site. In this article, we will configure and verify the operation of this feature.

XM CloudVercel

Adding Rendering for use with XM Cloud

Sitecore tools are integrated with Next.js projects to enable WYSIWYG editing. While XM Cloud provides a default rendering instance, you can set up additional ones externally. This guide will review the steps using a previously created site.

XM Cloud

Adding a Site to XM Cloud

We have been using the default Basic Site contents to check the operation, but this time we will create a new blank site and check the procedure to link it with the new Next.js project.

XM Cloud

Connect Experience Edge and Netlify sites

Previously, the XM Cloud site was deployed on Netlify, generating pages upon build. To ensure updates to the site are reflected on Netlify, configuration changes will be made in Experience Edge, enabling automatic site updates after page modifications.

XM CloudVercel

Prepare a server for Preview

In the previous issue, we confirmed that it is possible to check data before publication by using Experience Edge's Preview. Therefore, we will prepare an instance for Preview in Vercel this time.

Create a new Headless SXA project

I have been using the Haedless SXA project included in the project, but is there any difference between this and the Next.js that has been offered before? This time, we will proceed to prepare and run the new Next.js application.