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Send email from Next.js projects using Nodemailer

I will create a Next.js project and proceed to implement it in a way that React Email and Nodemailer can work together. We will mainly finish up with a sample of sending an email using the API. The same code will work for both Moosend and Sitecore Send.


Send email with Nodemailer

To send emails created with React Email, which we introduced in the previous article, using Sitecore Send's SMTP Service, we first want to run a simple Nodemailer sample.


Integrate Next.js OpenAI Starter with Azure OpenAI

Up to now, we have been working on the assumption of integration with ChatGPT, but Next.js OpenAI Starter can also be integrated with Azure Open AI. This time, we will verify how to work with Azure Open AI instead of ChatGPT's API key.

Launch Azure Open AI services

In order to use Azure Open AI, it is necessary not only to create it from the Azure administration screen, but also to apply for it so that it can be created. This article is a memo of the procedure to do so.

XM Cloud

Introducing Sitecore Components

As the last article in Sitecore XM Cloud's Advent Calendar 2023, we would like to introduce Sitecore Components. This tool is one of the tools offered in XM Cloud and is a new tool not included in Sitecore's previous products.