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Deploy to Vercel

We would like to deploy the web site we have created so far to Vercel. We will show you how to deploy the sample data to the server that was set up at the beginning of this series, and how to deploy it to Vercel.


Adding Next.js Sample Sites (Part 2)

In the previous session, we prepared a Next.js template. Last time, we introduced the steps to import items into Sitecore to use this template. Now, we'll modify the Next.js settings to reference Sitecore items and display the pages.


Importing items using Sitecore CLI

Previously, we added the Next.js template to the project, but at this stage Sitecore has no data, so we get an error. Therefore, we would like to import the sample data using Sitecore CLI.


Adding Next.js Sample Sites (Part 1)

The environment we've set up in four parts lacks a Next.js project. We'll add a sample site by integrating the code into the project. This process will be introduced in two steps. In this session, we'll get the Next.js sample running.