Content Hub - 4.0 What's New?
Sitecore Content Hub builds on its digital asset management capabilities to implement the services required by enterprises. In this article, we will introduce the new features released in Sitecore Content Hub 4.0.
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Sitecore Content Hub builds on its digital asset management capabilities to implement the services required by enterprises. In this article, we will introduce the new features released in Sitecore Content Hub 4.0.
How does Sitecore Content Hub manage the storage of assets? In this article, we will introduce the concept of repositories and how they are actually verified.
In the last issue, we proceeded to the sender settings and list creation. This time, we will proceed to the list creation and transmission test.
In this article, we will be using a free account on Moosend to introduce the initial settings. Of course, you can change various settings later, but let's follow the on-screen instructions and enter the settings required initially.
In the last issue, we looked at the website to see what kind of service it is. This time, we will create a free trial account.
So far, we have introduced a sample application and tested its operation. This time, we would like to actually add React components.
We have introduced the operation of Headless SSR. In this third article, we will show you how to create and use a Docker container so that you can use it easily at hand.
In the last issue, we ran the Headless SSR project at hand to see if the pages could be displayed. This time, we will introduce the procedure for deploying the project on various platforms.
In this article, we will introduce how to deploy JSS apps. We will use the previous JSS app and an instance of Sitecore to publish the site using Node.js application hosting.
In this article, we will introduce the Sitecore JavaScript Services operating modes. The sample is based on the empty template created in Part 2, and explains the connection mode.
In the previous issue, we introduced the steps of launching the React app provided as a JSS sample app and deploying the React app in Sitecore. This time, we will show you how to delete the sample data and add Japanese data.
We've previously introduced Next.js apps in several parts. Since Next.js is built with React, understanding React is beneficial. Therefore, we'll return to basics and focus on React in this blog. This time, we'll cover how to start a React app.