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Storefront - Commerce Control Panel

Now that you have made some adjustments to Storefront's content, where are the items defined that are required for the site to work? In this article, we will introduce the Commerce Control Panel settings.

Storefront - Login, Shopping

Last time, we covered displaying the Storefront homepage. Now, we'll identify missing resources on the Japanese site, add the necessary resources, and make adjustments to ensure everything functions correctly.

Storefront - View Home Page

We have already covered the installation process for Sitecore Experience Commerce 10.1 in two articles. In the next few articles, we will introduce the standard Commerce mock-up site, Storefront, and its configuration.

Sitecore Webinar Series

Sitecore offers online seminars, and past webinars are also available for reference. Here is a list of the webinar series available, and we will add new content as it becomes available.


Change the domain name of a site deployed with Docker

We have gone through two steps in regards to building a Sitecore demo. In both cases, the .env file was used as the Docker environment file, and the values were set to work. In this article, we will show you how to change this section regarding the domain.


Running the Headless demo

To evaluate Sitecore's Headless environment, running an actual demo is the quickest way. We'll execute a demo provided on GitHub. Ensure you have a Docker-compatible environment set up. If not, refer to the following article to build it.


Setting up a Docker environment on Windows Server

This time, we'll set up a Docker environment on a virtual machine deployed on Microsoft Azure. While using Docker for Desktop on Windows 10 Pro is the simplest method, we'll focus on configuring the environment on Windows Server 2019.