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Next.js is a React-based framework that provides functionality to enable server-side rendering and static site generation using React.

App screenshot

Adding SXA Modules

In the previous article, we were able to launch an instance of XM1. In this article, we will configure additional settings to make the Sitecore Experience Accelerator module available to the container, which is necessary for adding Next.js projects.

XM CloudNext.js

Adding HTML pages

What should you do if you already have website content and HTML data for a Next.js-based site? In fact, the basic functionality of Next.js makes it possible to host a whole set of HTML files and other files on the server.


Deploy to Vercel using Experience Edge

Previously, we ran Sitecore as a virtual machine server. Now, with the Sitecore Experience Edge service, you can easily deploy Next.js apps to Vercel. This time, we'll introduce the deployment steps.