Add Auth0 authentication to the Next.js App Router site
This time, we will use the tutorial on adding Auth0 authentication to Next.js to get to the point where we can log in.
Next.js is a React-based framework that provides functionality to enable server-side rendering and static site generation using React.
This time, we will use the tutorial on adding Auth0 authentication to Next.js to get to the point where we can log in.
We have not updated our blog for a while, but today we switched to a new blog style. Here is a reintroduction of the updated points.
I will create a Next.js project and proceed to implement it in a way that React Email and Nodemailer can work together. We will mainly finish up with a sample of sending an email using the API. The same code will work for both Moosend and Sitecore Send.
Up to now, we have been working on the assumption of integration with ChatGPT, but Next.js OpenAI Starter can also be integrated with Azure Open AI. This time, we will verify how to work with Azure Open AI instead of ChatGPT's API key.
In the previous article, we extended the data that AI has to work so that chat can respond to the information provided by Json data. This time, we would like to link the data that Sitecore Search has and make it correspond.
We started the sample and subsequently checked its operation. This time, we will make a simple customization.
In the previous article, I ran the sample code as is. I would like to confirm the operation by looking at the code included in this sample.
We will summarize the steps to run the Next.js OpenAI Starter template, a sample Chatbot that works with ChatGPT, in this issue.
We have used Playright multiple times so far to get thumbnails of pages. In this article, we will conclude with a summary of the whole process.
This is the final installment in this series. Now that we have reached the point of taking screenshots, we will link them to storage. This time, we will finish up the integration with Azure Blob Storage.
We will implement a mechanism to display thumbnails of a website as Next.js API. This time, we will proceed to the point of displaying the image using the URL obtained.
We have progressed to the point of running the Playwright container, but this time we will add an API so that it works with the previous Sitecore Search sample site.