Sitecore XM Cloud has a built-in workflow mechanism, so we will set up this workflow and see how it works in Pages.

Prepare workflow
This time, we will copy the Sample Workflow and create a new workflow. The sample workflow we will use is System - Workflows - Sample Workflow. Right-click on this item, select "Copy To," and create a new workflow under Workflows with the name "Standard Workflow.

The Next state, etc., of the created workflow is referenced to the original workflow as it is copied, so the state under the Standard Workflow should be specified for all workflows.

Verified by Home item
The sxastarter site does not have a standard workflow set up, so we will first set it up at the item level. First, launch the content editor, select the Home item, and check View - Standard Fields.

Check the box to display the fields related to workflow. In this case, configure the following settings.

Start Pages in this state. You can see that the Publish button in the upper right corner shows the status of the workflow and allows you to select the next action.

The above settings are for English content.
When configured for Japanese resources, Japanese will be displayed using the display name set in the Pages workflow, provided that the user's display language is set to Japanese.

Set as Standard Workflow
When using the Page template used in sxastarter, the workflow created this time is set to be used by default. First, check the template used by the Home item, which is /sitecore/templates/Project/Sites/Page. We will configure the Workflow settings for the __Standard Values of this template.

This will make this workflow the default for all newly created pages from now on.
In this case, we confirmed that by setting up a workflow in XM Cloud, it is possible to proceed with the workflow using only Pages. We also confirmed that by setting Japanese for the workflow's Japanese display name, Japanese options are available for the next step.