Sitecore Content Hub provides AI-based tagging for images as a standard feature. In this case, the definition of the main colors used in the image is managed in Taxonomy. In this article, we will check how to have this definition in multiple languages.

Taxonomy in Sitecore Content Hub - Adding VisionColor Translation Resources
Digital Asset ManagementPublished: 2024-08-09
Triggers Vision Settings
Content Hub DAM comes standard with the ability to analyze and tag images and videos with AI. This is done by setting up Triggers Vision when setting up the asset type as follows

In fact, when an asset type is specified, a trigger is triggered and the tag is automatically assigned.

As for tags, it is possible to have them in multiple languages in Taxonomy. For example, if you switch to Japanese, you will see the following.

Referring to taxonomy, it is possible to set a Japanese label as follows.

All settings have been completed and the results are as follows.

However, the color portion of the taxonomy is not a tag, but rather a separate piece of data. This is managed in a separate place called VisionColor, and cannot be edited from the admin screen as shown below.

Exporting and Importing Translations
This resource cannot be edited on the administration screen, but multilingual labels can be added by using the translation function. Go to the administration management function screen, press the Export button, and select English or Japanese.

After exporting, open the prepared Excel file and look at the sheet Vision.Color, and you will see that the Japanese resource for Green is blank.

Specify the Japanese color here and import from the translation tool. In this case, there are only a few items, so they are reflected immediately.

This time, we checked the resource management of the image analysis AI in Content Hub DAM. Also, although VisionColor items cannot be labeled from the administration screen, we were able to use the translation function to import them.