In the previous section, we added the necessary items for Attributes in Domain Settings. This time, we will proceed with Feature Configuration, which defines the behavior of these attributes.

Sitecore Search - Additional steps to get the Starter Kit working - Feature Setup
SearchPublished: 2023-08-21
Setting Sorting options
Next, add six items to Sorting Options, also included in Domain Settings. First, add the following two items
- featured_asc
- featured_desc
The screen with each setting will look like the following. Make sure that the sorting settings have changed according to the parameters.

Then add the following four items
Display name | API name | Atribute sorting | Order |
Title ASC | title_asc | Title | Assending |
Title DECS | title_desc | Title | Descending |
Last Modifiled ASC | last_modified_asc | Last Modified | Assending |
Last Modifiled DESC | last_modified_desc | Last Modified | Descending |
The following screen shows the items after setting.

Suggesntion Blocks Settings
In this setting, the title_context_aware item is required. To do this, edit the Suggestions Blocks item in the Administration - Domain Settings - Feature Configuration page as a menu item.
First, the following screen shows the situation where nothing has been set up.

Set Title Context Aware to Display Name and title_context_aware to Suggestion Name.

Next, set Context Aware for the Algorithm item. After setting, the number of input items will increase as shown below.

Each item should be set as follows.
- Analyzers: Ngram Based Maching and Single Generator
- Build Suggestions From: Title
- Grouping Analyzer: Single Generator
- Match Analyzer: Ngram Based Matching
- Max Distance: 3
After completing the above settings, click the save button in the upper right corner.

This completes the Domain Settings process for using the Starter Kit.
Publish Domain Settings
The contents of the settings you have made are now available to the public. The changes can be viewed in Domain Settings as follows.

You will see that the Sorting Options and Suggestions Blocks fields have been changed. Click on the Publish button in the upper right corner to apply the changes.
This time we have completed the basic settings. In the next issue, we will introduce the actual widget settings used for the search box and other functions.